Everybody is buzzing in the blogsphere about Ludwika Paleta's supposed pregnancy. According to rumors, the actress and her Cuban boyfriend Alberto Guerra are very happy with the news. According to the blog Celestrllas, the protagnista of Los Exitosos Perez is due to give birth early next year.
Paleta is currently on location in Buenos Aires where her telenovela is being shot .
The reason for the secrecy, they say, is that the couple sealed an exclusive with a magazine.
Hay fuertes rumores que la estrella de Los Exitosos Peres esta embarazada. Segun las chismes, Ludwika Paleta y su novio Alberto Guerra estan muy contentos con la noticia. La actriz va a dar a luz en inicio del proximo ano.
Paleta ahora esta en Buenos Aires grabando su telenovela
La rason por el hush-hush: la pareja tiene un exclusiva con una revista, los vinos de uvas dicen.
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